Dental Implants in Abu Dhabi

Dental Implants in Abu Dhabi
Dental Implants in Abu Dhabi
تخرجت من كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية ثم بدأت العمل في الصحافة كمحررة للأخبار. أنجزت العديد من المشروعات في المواقع الإخبارية والترفيهية بالإضافة إلى كتابة الموضوعات الفنية وتلك التي تخص المرأة.
إنشاء: 20 أبريل 2022 · تحديث: 20 أبريل 2022

Dental Implants in Abu Dhabi

Dental Implants in Abu Dhabi

Dental implants are a popular procedure in Abu Dhabi for those who suffer from partial or full tooth loss. Tooth loss can occur for a variety of reasons such as gum disease, poor upkeep, or damage in an accident. The loss of teeth itself can lead to further health problems, most important of which is digestion difficulties as a result of not chewing well. Also important is the loss of self-confidence it can cause. In the past, fixed or removable dentures were the traditional solution that dentists resorted to in order to increase the number of teeth in the mouth. With the recent scientific developments in cosmetic dentistry, however, it is now possible to use dental implants to replace permanently lost teeth and molars. The operation involves using high-quality prosthetic substitutes or veneers. Metal roots of pure titanium are implanted into the jaw onto which are affixed the veneers. This can not only make the new teeth seem completely similar to the original teeth but can also improve the external appearance of the teeth. 

About Dental Implants in the UAE

The United Arab Emirates has become one of the primary destinations for cosmetic surgeries generally and specifically in cosmetic dentistry. The UAE government invests in the medical sector to obtain great advancements in this field and make sure that the country competes on a global stage in this category. 

The city of Abu Dhabi comes in second place after Dubai in terms of the number of cosmetic surgeries undertaken annually. This does not mean, however, that the quality of the service is any different between the varying Emirates as regulatory bodies ensure a certain level of service. Dental implants are increasing in popularity worldwide and most importantly in the Emirates due to the competitive price of the procedure and the good results achieved. 

About Dental Implants in the UAE

Dental Implants in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi is home to a distinguished group of famous dental clinics that specialize in cosmetic procedures. People flock to Abu Dhabi due to the high accuracy and efficiency obtained in these clinics. The replacement of teeth with artificial ones is a proven and effective solution for patients that does not damage the surrounding tissues in any way. Before undergoing the procedure, the patient must complete a full examination of the mouth and gums as well as obtain a CT scan of the jaws, an X-ray, and blood tests. This is to ensure that it is the best procedure for them and the results are going to be satisfactory. Once the patient has passed the initial examination stage, the doctor will start to implant teeth. 

Metal stents made of titanium are implanted into the jaw bone so the patient must have good quality jaw bone. It can take up to six months for the mineral metal root to affix properly to the jaw bone and heal. The artificial teeth are prepared by taking mouth impressions and building veneers that are of the right size and shape for the mouth. These veneers are then placed over and affixed to the metal root to give teeth. 

Dental implants in Abu Dhabi are simple and painless operations. The patient may need to rest with medication after the surgery is complete but there is no substantial pain. The implanted teeth may last up to 25 years or the whole lifetime depending on the patient’s health condition and whether they take care of their oral and dental hygiene on a regular basis. 

Dental Implants in Abu Dhabi

The Best Dental Implant Clinics in Abu Dhabi

With all of the scientific progress that the UAE has witnessed in recent years, the number of medical centers and hospitals is increasing exponentially. There is, as said, a number of particularly distinguished clinics and dental centers that focus on cosmetic procedures. These are the ones that have obtained international accreditations. Most can be found online where you can look at reviews and decide if the doctor is best for you. 

The Best Dental Implant Clinics in Abu Dhabi

Conditions for Dental Implants 

There are some important conditions that the patients must meet before they can undergo dental implant surgery. The patient should be in good health and be free from diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. Their jawbones should be in good condition which is something that can be evaluated with a CT and an X-ray. They should have maintained good oral health and hygiene before the procedure. After the dental implant operation, the patient may experience facial swelling, especially in the gums. Pain also may occur but only for a short period. 

Conditions for Dental Implants

Advantages of Dental Implants in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi is one of the leading cities globally for plastic surgery and cosmetic dental treatments. It provides the best dental care services and maintains international quality standards in the field. The most important advantages are:

1.The availability of dental clinics offering the latest techniques.

2.Trusted centers with a long reputation for good patient results.

3.A large selection of dentists with extensive experience in dental implant procedures.

4.The availability of medical centers and radiology centers to complete your preoperative examinations.

Advantages of Dental Implants in Abu Dhabi

The Cost of Dental Implants in Abu Dhabi

The cost of dental implants in Abu Dhabi is relatively low compared to some of the other countries in the Arab region and countries in Europe. The cost is a little higher than in Egypt or Jordan. The results and success rates, however, are much higher in Abu Dhabi than in the countries boasting cheaper procedures. In general, the prices for dental implants range from 3000 to 5000 United States Dollars (USD) per tooth.

The Cost of Dental Implants in Abu Dhabi


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